If you are getting ready to join college, this is the best time to determine how you want to spend your college career. Every year, thousands of students spend their time becoming a part of a sorority or fraternity. There are many benefits to being a part of a college sorority or fraternity.
There are many benefits of sorority or fraternity in colleges, and if you are looking for a way to make instant friends and have a bond with them for the rest of your college years, you should consider joining a sorority or fraternity.
Here are some of the benefits of joining a sorority or fraternity.
1. You build a camaraderie
One of the biggest benefits of sorority life is that joining these Greek organizations is valuable to colleges and universities in the camaraderie they foment. Even though you may feel that the word camaraderie is a cliché concept, the fact is that the bond that is formed between the members is not only durable but also genuine and visible.
The relationships between the brothers and sisters are bonds that last for a lifetime. Apart from building strong ties with the current students, sororities and fraternities are a great way to connect and network with past and future students. And not just from the chapter of the school that you attend, but also from the chapters of other schools.
This helps create many opportunities, including future employment opportunities.
2. You get a lot of support
Whether it is getting social advice or academic assistance, you get access to many experienced students who help supplement university guidance. This is one of the biggest benefits of a sorority. In terms of academics, it has been observed that many of the all-Greek GPA's are higher than the all-undergraduate GPA.
For example, the University of Georgia had a 3.18 undergraduate average GPA which was comparable to the 3.30 average Greek GPA. This shows that having older students as a reference point has provided an academic advantage to the sorority and fraternity students.
3. Meet new and diverse people
With so many girls and boys in a sorority and fraternity, you will get many opportunities to meet diverse people from many different cultures and backgrounds. You will get to meet people from different states and even countries simply by joining a sorority or fraternity. This is one of the benefits of sorority/fraternity.
When you move from your hometown to a larger and much different college environment, you will come together with many different types of people who you probably wouldn't get to meet otherwise. Joining a fraternity and sorority makes it easier for you to meet new and diverse people who you might not get to meet without joining.
4. Philanthropy
Every sorority or fraternity dedicates itself to multiple service and philanthropic projects to actively give back to the community and the world. This also involves organizing, volunteering, fundraising events, hosting service days, and many more. By joining a sorority or fraternity, you can help make a difference in a lot of people's lives.
For example, Greek chapters have raised thousands of dollars for cancer research with several events. Over the three to four years you spend in your chapter, you will be able to take part in many events that will contribute money to charities and people who need help.
5. Build a social identity and skills
Not many people know that 85% of the executives of the Fortune 500 companies and 80% of presidents of the US since 1900 have one thing in common - they were all members of Greek organizations during their college years. Sorority and fraternity membership helps young women and men gain a sense of social identity, develop their leadership skills, and learn to get along with all sorts of people from different backgrounds and ethnicities.
Sorority and fraternity membership ensures that there is a lot to learn. Joining a sorority or fraternity can help. Participating in the collaborative activities, traditions, and organizational structure of the Greek organization helps create valuable opportunities to coordinate, contribute, and lead, all of which are valuable skills for eventually becoming a part of the workforce.
6. Having a sense of accountability
Sorority and fraternity men and women push each other to be their best - physically, socially, and mentally. And when you succeed, your brothers and sisters celebrate with you. Similarly, when you struggle, your brothers and sisters will help you get back on track.
7. Build your resume
Being a part of a sorority or fraternity helps boost your resume. Firstly, your particular fraternity or sorority can find an appeal with employers who have an affiliation with that chapter, thus increasing your chances of being hired.
Additionally, employers will also see a sorority or fraternity on your resume and get to know that you made a commitment that you maintained throughout the years in college. The skills you learn as a fraternity and sorority member could help market you to future employers.
8. Have fun
Ultimately let's not forget that the biggest benefits of sorority and fraternity are the fun you have. This is one of the strongest arguments in favor of joining a sorority or fraternity. There are endless opportunities for fun if you join the right house. You are surrounded at all times by friends, and you get to take part in many activities, events, parties, and many other fun opportunities.
There are many sororities and fraternities that you can join, and one of the best places to find all the related shirts, jackets, hoodies, accessories, and all other things associated with your Greek organization is at Greek Dynasty. Some of the leading sororities or fraternities you can find here include the Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Alpha Phi Alpha, Zeta Phi Beta, Delta Sigma Theta, and many others. You can even buy umbrellas, crewnecks, and all other types of apparel and accessories from the Greek Dynasty.